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First off, we're not a large, multinational brewer. We're the original queer beer for good.

We don't have endless marketing budgets or big branded trucks. Not yet anyway, but we're not denying it would be nice! We're a small queer team with a craft beer we love. And a big vision: to redefine the way our LGBTQI+ community is supported.

We wear our rainbow with pride, not for effect.
We celebrate queerness all year round (not just Pride month).
We give back to our community to build ourselves together.

PROUD has our community in it's heart and soul. Every time you choose our LGBTQIPA, you send a direct donation of 20p to our charity partners. No percentage of profits, no corporate jargon. It's simple yet powerful.

PROUD is not a label, it's a statement. PROUD is who we are, and what we do.


Although we're probably a little biased, we think our cans look awesome. So why not put a candle in them (retro) or fill them partially with varying amounts of water to recreate the talent competition on Miss Congeniality?

Otherwise, we encourage you to realise the potential of that little can and recycle it. You can find out more about your local recycling centre here.


Responsible Drinking

PROUD is clear about our belief in promoting responsible drinking.

Please read the UK Chief Medical Officers' guidelines to make informed decisions about your drinking. Information can be found here.

We're committed to working with our charitable partners, who provide vital services relating to alcohol to our LGBTQ+ community, so they can do more, and support more people.
